Head of Interim, Adam Brett

From unexpected short-term gaps in your organisation, to specialist support; we’ve got quality assured, flexible capacity - when you need it.

"The Propelo Associate Network brings together the country’s leading interim experts, enabling you to respond at pace to evolving situations – however unique your challenge might be."

Adam Brett
Head of Interim


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Whether you represent a school, academy, MAT, LA or other education or children’s services establishment, Propelo has the interim leadership and consultancy capacity to support your needs. 

Propelo typically provides:

  • Interim school leaders (executive interim headteachers, heads, deputy headteachers)
  • Central capacity (CEO, Finance Directors / Managers, HR)
  • SEND support (Interim SEND leadership, SEND consultancy & audits)
  • Quality Assurance (School Improvement Advisers, School & MAT reviews)
  • Specialist Consultancy (Behaviour and inclusion, English / Maths / Science support, timetabling)

We also have a wider pool of associates that we can deploy to cover most situations.

Needs arise for various reasons – recruitment gaps, pre-planned leave, organisational change, or improvement/intervention. In any situation, our depth of knowledge in the sector enables us to quickly understand your requirements and provide suitable solutions that are both flexible and effective.

We are a trusted partner, driven by a desire to deliver solutions that make a positive difference to your organisation. We achieve this through our vetted and quality assured associate pool, made up of over 500 education professionals. Our interim education leaders and consultants complete a rigorous due diligence process that includes background checks, interviews, referencing and ID/qualifications audits - all following best practice safer recruitment guidance. 

When you contact us, it’s a simple process.  We work with you to understand your context, identifying and agreeing the key tasks and deliverables. We’ll match those requirements with two or three specialists with proven experience from the Propelo Associate Network - and then arrange for you to meet (in person or remotely) so you can test style and fit, before deciding who is best suited to help you move forward. Once you find the right person, we’re on hand throughout the contract period to help with any queries, additions or amendments.

The Propelo Associate Network

Gain instant access to our pool of associates; quality-assured with proven track-record relevant to your needs.

How does it work?

Fruit bowl

Tell us your requirements

It starts with a conversation. We’ll take the time to understand the brief and what skills and expertise you’re looking for. We understand these situations are often sensitive so we only share the information you’re comfortable with and maintain confidentiality.


Meet our interim experts

We’ll quickly identify a small number of associates that meet your precise needs, sharing profiles with you to review and then arranging introductory meetings (either in person or online) so you can test suitability, style and fit.


We get working

Once you’re confident that you’ve met the person or people you need, we’ll get to work. Often our associates are deployed within a matter of days. If it’s a longer term planned programme of support, our team is on-hand to manage the logistics.


We stay connected

We’ll ensure the associate is deployed and has everything they need to make an impact – and we’ll keep in close contact with you throughout the project to ensure everything is running smoothly. If there is the need to adjust the parameters of the support as the project progresses, we’ll assist in managing the necessary changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve had mixed experiences of ‘education consultants’; what does your quality assurance process look like?

We’ve supported the sector for well over a decade and through that time have built an incredibly strong team of interim school leaders and subject matter experts. We interview everyone we work with, and each associate undergoes a rigorous safer recruitment vetting process (including DBS). Most of our associates are professionals we’ve worked with across numerous projects, so we have a deep understanding of their skills and expertise.  All our policies and processes follow best practice and are GDPR compliant. We provide a comprehensive vetting form (covering all statutory and safer recruitment checks) and you’ll also have the opportunity to read references from their previous projects and work.

Why do the best associates work with Propelo? What’s unique about the Propelo Associate Network?

We’ve built strong and trusted relationships with the very best interim leaders and subject matter experts over time. These skillsets are in high demand and the associates have a choice about where they work and who they work with. Associates tell us they like our insight and understanding, alongside our honesty and responsiveness. We’re passionate about what we do and through the Propelo Associate Network, we provide our team with high-quality support when they’re on assignment, alongside access to other professionals and development opportunities.

How do I appoint an interim headteacher at short notice?

We can help you find an interim headteacher or senior leader at short notice. Quality comes first, so we’ll connect you and your brief with one of our experts from the quality assured Propelo Associate Network. Prior to joining the network, each associate undergoes a thorough quality assurance and due diligence process, including vetting, to support safer recruitment to ensure you find the most suitable interim head.

Is using an interim school leader expensive?

Interim school leaders don’t need to be expensive. Depending on your requirements, commissioning an interim associate to support provide cover or undertake a defined project is often no more expensive than someone you might appoint at the similar level substantively. Our role is to understand your requirements and shape a solution that delivers excellent value for money.

How does contracting work? Is IR35 something I need to be concerned about?

Each project is different, but our dedicated interim team is available to support this stage of the process to ensure you secure the right solution quickly and easily. Some projects fall inside IR35 (typically roles with supervision, direction and control) and some outside (fixed projects with defined scope and outcomes) - and we can assist you through this process so you’re making robust decisions along the way. Ultimately, we’ll pick up the heavy lifting around contracting arrangements, vetting and compliance so you and the associate/associates can focus on the priorities ahead.

Want to know more?

Speak to a member of the team to discuss how we can partner your organisation.